This week, in Houston, we experienced temperatures from below freezing to up above 70 degrees. Everyone says "if you don't like the Houston weather, wait a minute. It will change". And it does. All the time. Unfortunately, it wreaks havoc on the school system. For those up in the Northern states who actually SEE snow, they laugh at us as we shut our schools down for icy conditions. However, I would rather see our students safe at home in strange driving conditions including ice, sleet, and possible.... snow flurries. So. Monday, we had school. Tuesday we did not. Wednesday through Friday, we had school. We also had STAAR testing (state wide testing) practice this week scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday. That changed to Wednesday and Friday, leaving our elective classes flipped every which way but up. But hey, what's wrong with a little change in routine, right?!
My boys loved playing on their "snow covered" trampoline on their Snow Day from school.
So, once we hit Friday, I have to say it was an awesome day. To start with, our campus principal's son is sick. Very sick. He's little, too. Which makes me very sad. I ask him every time I see him, "how's your munchkin". I guess what hits home is he's little.... like my youngest one. Which breaks my heart. I say prayers for his sickness to be cured. And soon. But, what is even more inspiring is our campus families. Some of the parents created, and are selling t-shirts, to show support for Peter. So on Friday morning, as I watched the buses at bus duty arrive, I was almost brought to tears as the kids piled off the buses all wearing their red shirts and boots to show their support too. I can't imagine it being my baby and seeing the support around me like this. What a remarkable group of parents to set this type of thing up. Remarkable. So, say a prayer for Peter. Keep him in your thoughts!
Another great thing on Friday was lunch. Again, great parents who care about their children's teachers, faculty and staff. This time, the third grade parents provided a catered 2014 New Year's lunch from California Pizza Kitchen and gave us cute printed styrofoam cups as gifts. I got to introduce myself to the parents, in true art teacher fashion..... "Hi! Thank you for lunch! I'm Mrs. Walton, the new art teacher! Can I have your plastic bowls and squirt bottles you are going to throw away?! I can use them for clay!" LOL! Yes, I'm THAT teacher. Aren't all art teachers. We can use it all!
They also have a door prize drawing! I won one of the prizes this time around! What a great Friday! Thank you so much 3rd grade parents for the marvelous lunch! I appreciate it and it's so nice to be appreciated!
Lastly, have I mentioned how much I love teaching elementary? People have asked why I moved "down" grades instead of moving up to high school. THIS is why. THIS is what makes me happy! This sweet 3rd grader, Clarisse (thank you mom for letting me post this!), absolutely made my day when she showed up to art class with this shirt on! If you can't read it, it says "ART CLASS is my favorite!" She was beaming when she came to class wearing it and another teacher snapped a photo for me! It just makes me smile looking at this photo. I love my job! (I wonder if they make that shirt in my size?!)
Have a great weekend! Next week, our big mural project will be completed and hanging! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!
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